Saturday, February 2, 2013

How To Find Yearlings For Sale

By Julio Douthit

There are numerous ways to find good yearlings for sale. The term yearling refers to a male or female horse that is one year old. By this time the animal has been weaned from its mother and is old enough to begin an independent life. Most horses of this age are also quite headstrong and need to be handled by an experienced person.

Working with horses is a wonderful job or hobby. They are beautiful and intelligent animals who form strong bonds with those around them. However, there is a lot to understand about the equine species before looking to buy a yearling. Equine foaling is a crucial time to imprint the young horse with all the important knowledge he will need to get by in the human world.

If a young horse is carefully and respectfully handle right from birth he comes to see humans as his friend. He will also learn to obey their commands and show respect. For example, when young horses are together they will playfully bite and kick each other. Yet they must quickly learn that this type of behavior is not acceptable around people.

Training horses can begin from their very youngest days. They should be taught to lead, follow and tie up as foals. This makes the rest of their life and training so much easier. It is a huge mistake to wait till the horse is a year or two old before beginning his training. By then he has a mind of his own and a lot of strength. Many people underestimate just how strong a horse can be.

Young cart ponies for sale should have a sound basic training. It is essential that they understand and obey voice commands. Equines that pull carts and carriages work entirely by voice commands. They learn the terms for walk, trot and most importantly stop. They must be taught to stand quietly for long periods of time and also not to move around when they are being hooked up to the cart.

It takes many hours of patient training to get any horse ready for work. Some animals are naturally nervous and will take much longer to calm down and do their job. Others seem to understand right away what is expected of them and are easy to train.

When looking at yearlings for sale it is crucial to check into the training the animal has received. Experienced trainers will be able to help their clients select the right animal for the job.

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