Friday, March 8, 2013

How Car Wraps Could Incorporate Superhero Hues

By Rob Sutter

If there's one thing that I've noticed about superheroes, it's that they all have their own distinctive shades of color. Some of the might be brighter than others but we usually assign colors to them based on what they wear. It's amazing how much impact those kinds of hues can have and I believe that car wraps can incorporate them just as well. In fact, I would recommend that more wraps use them because of how smart the actual color schemes are.

Let's say that you display a certain set of colors to someone who claims to be a superhero fan. You may be surprised by how quickly they name off a character that shares those sorts of hues because they have become so iconic in the past. For example, Iron Man is commonly seen sporting red and gold, meaning that the mind is instantly going to gravitate towards that particular personality. It's the same as Batman wearing black for as long as he has.

Speaking of Batman, there was once a time when the Caped Crusader had shades of yellow in order to corporate the iconic bat emblem on his chest. While animated series seem to uphold this to certain degrees, it seems like the movies have done away with any other color but black. Even though Batman may be limited in terms of color palette, incorporating dashes of yellow may help a design to stand out. It can also help people look and recognize it as the scheme of Batman.

It's clear that car wraps can take up these kinds of colors but there many others which can be implemented. How many people are going to look at blue, red, and instances of yellow without saying, "hey, those are Superman's colors?" Some schemes are more recognizable than others and this is one that I believe companies which produce wraps like JMR Graphics would be able to recognize. It almost seems like the supply of colors on this matter do not have limits.

Car wraps are very much useful and there are several reasons as to why this is as well. The reasons can go as deep as color, which is actually vital when you consider how short the attention span of a person can be. They're not going to focus on a design if it looks muddy or ugly overall, so it's important to see which colors work the best with one another. Selecting the right hues can only help ensure that your design isn't going to be a waste in the long run.

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