Monday, March 4, 2013

How To Be A Better Christian And Have An Encounter With God

By Ava Hudson

Being a good Christian today is a challenge amidst the many temptations that are in the media today. Having an encounter with God does not necessarily mean anything that is supernatural and cosmic. Communication and a higher being would require people to be gloriously enlightened by the Gospel and of the Bible. The path to becoming one was never easy and it should give people the thing that they want to have.

Begin mornings and the word of the Lord. Prayer before starting the day would guide the person and arm the person and the grace and protection of the Lord. Always begin the day and the words that the Heavenly Father have given the people at some point. Reading the bible is a good source of motivation and inspiration to beginning the day.

Along and the service and talents that are meant to glorify the Lord. People should also be very active in their church. Being involved would create opportunities to be closer and the word and of the Lord.

Being a Christian means that the person has a responsibility in the community. This means that the earliest Christians are the ones who should be concerned of the welfare of other people and of the country. The bible has shown that the early Christians has always been concerned of the issues that had plagued the people in the area.

Keep a journal that would record the thoughts of having the Lord in their life. This is important so that it would be easier for the person to reflect on these actions later on. This should also serve as the instrument for the person to measure the areas in their life. People may be amazed at how fast they have grown over the years.

Develop an inner appreciation of the creations of the Lord being surrounded by it. There is something very special and the way the creator designed the world. It was thought of and planned as a whole. Every detail of the earth has been thought of down to the last particle that people could not even see and their naked eyes.

Volunteerism is a highly encouraged trait that is being promoted by the church. One of the activities of the church is to help those who are in need. It would be best to give the free time to people who needed it. Serving others would allow them to be enlightened and the higher purpose and would also learn how the Lord has loved them even in the midst of hardships.

Being active in the church would position the person in the company of people who wanted to be in the area. This should also help the person be encouraged and would help the faith grow. This could be attending the weekly prayer meetings. This should allow the person to interpret the bible in their own understanding.

There are many other ways to conquer the whole thing. An encounter with God is a signal that you as a person has been very religious. This is also a sign of a positive relationship and the Lord and would lead to a better life than before.

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