Saturday, March 9, 2013

How To Study And Accurately Predict What Is On Your Next Test

By Lachlan Haynes

How would you like to know the questions on your next test? Do you think that would help you get a good grade? You bet it would!

Well perhaps becoming a test psychic is the answer you have been looking for! By using this method you will be able to predict what questions are going to be on your next test or exam which will give you a much greater chance of doing well. Does this sound like a good solution to you?

Part 1 - Focus On What Is Important

There is no point studying anything that isn't on the test - but how do you know what will be on the test? Well, it's all about common sense. What do you think will definitely be on the test? What do you think might be on the test? What do you think probably won't be on the test? What do you think definitely won't be on the test? This process of questioning will help you identify that which you need not spend any time worrying about and also that which you should focus on.

Your mission is to identify which sources will be more likely than others to be on the test. Here are some very likely sources:

1. Obviously, the textbook you use will be a great source of information. However, take note of those chapters you just quickly go through (or ignore altogether) and those chapters that you seem to be spending a lot of time on. Hint!

2. If you are given worksheets or homework tasks that are not covered in your text this may be a clue about the importance the teacher places on the topic.

3. If you spend a lot of time in class going over particular areas you can rest assured they will be on the next test or exam. Teachers never waste class time with topics that aren't going to be covered in an assignment, test or exam in some way.

Part 2 - Become Best Friends Forever With The Teacher (Not Literally)

Making friends with the teacher is one your biggest weapons - if executed correctly. Teachers will always reward those who try hard and give their best effort - and also those who are respectful towards them. It is human nature - and teachers are humans remember! (We think)

1. Go straight to the best source of all - the teacher. See if you can find out what material is going to be covered on the test by asking the teacher leading questions about what you are studying. "I am focusing on Chapter 12 - that's a really important chapter isn't it?" See what you can find out (no need to be sneaky you're just doing an investigation here). This should help you narrow the field of potential questions.

2. Find out which style the questions will be in. Is it going to be long answer, short answer, multiple choice or true/false? Will it be a combination of all of these styles? If so, which questions will make up the most marks? Clearly, the type of questions will impact on how you prepare. For example, if the questions are going to be long answer you will need to be ready to write half essays using several bits of information. If they are going to multiple choice you will need to know lots of details and facts.

3. Get hold of past tests or exams. These are usually invaluable resources - not simply because they show you how hard or easy past tests may have been - but also because they show you the format and structure that have been used in the past and what areas the teachers have focused on. Bonus tip: you don't always need to fall into the trap of going through each question on past test papers, just use them as a guide because it's extremely unlikely the questions on your test will be the same as past tests.

Part 3 - Learn How To Review Quickly

1. Create a specific area in your workbook or have a set of notes that you use for listing possible test and exam questions. Every time you hear or see something that you believe may be on the next assessment simply jot it down. This means that you will have created a list of thoughts and ideas that you will be able to easily look over at a later time - often this will contain topics you had forgotten about!

2. Skim through your texts and underline or highlight the information you believe is the most important to the subject. Ignore anything you do not believe to be important. By doing this, you will have already chosen and highlighted the most important bits to re-read or re-examine later.

3. Create a study group. This means getting together with a group of buddies (or even people who you think will be able to help you with your study i.e. possibly not your friends!) and brainstorm together possible questions and answers to future tests and exams. Two heads are always better than one. Three are better than two, four are better than three - and so on. The point is, as a study group you will be able to study for more information that one person can alone. So, you may like to all create your own mind maps, notes and questions and answers and then share them with each other (possibly by photocopying the work). This will put you well ahead of those people who do not create study groups and is a very powerful way to quickly become a test psychic.

If you put any or all of these techniques into place you will become a test psychic and be able to predict with great accuracy what is going to be covered on the next test or exam. Don't delay - do it today!

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