Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Preserving Your Bicycle's Nuts And Bolts

By Galen Ochua

You were out and about, cruising on your bicycle beneath the warm shadows cast by trees, and then suddenly, somewhere down the road, your brakes or pedal goes wonky and your pleasing journey comes to a halt. If you love riding your bike, then you may have experienced this unfortunate situation more than once. Your bicycle's nuts and bolts often cause problems for it, which is the reason you should always give them added attention when washing or attaching them to your bike components.

While it is true that how often you replace your nuts and bolts would depend on the design quality of the bike, bicycle owners should still do their best on preserving their bikes and utilizing it right. Bolts tend to become loose due to constant vibration when you go biking. The more the parts vibrate, the faster the bolts will become loose. This can be prevented though.

Yes, you can always resort to steel fabrication for creating yourself the best customized parts for your bicycle but metal fabrication isn't the only way to go. Remember that by using nuts and bolts on your bike for their intended use, you no longer have to replace them frequently even if you've traveled over a million miles .

A primary rule is to stop utilizing the bolt for attaching several components. The more layers of things will only add more heaviness on it. This is what often occurs in the case of front racks installed to brakes. However, bolts with a forward extension are inclined to last longer than regular bolts. Washers also tend to loosen the bolts faster. Washers should then be used when required like when a smoother surface is required between a painted or aluminum component and a bolt.

A forked mount for lower bolts is highly recommended for racks to bear the weight of the load. Due to the mount, the nuts and bolts move separately, preventing parts from vibrating and from touching against each other. In a nutshell, bolts do not have to be retightened if the bike's individual parts do not vibrate as often as they're expected to.

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