Saturday, March 9, 2013

Whatever You Do: Don't Miss Downton Abbey

By Monika Ruyle

Have you had the opportunity to watch the TV program Downton Abbey yet? It is a well-known English TV show that is gaining a lot of popularity in the U . S . these days. It is a remarkable show that has really been getting popular with U.S. audiences in the past few years. In the event that you've heard of this TV show but haven't seen it yet, this write-up will be worth reading through.

In case you are slightly confused as to what this program is about, I will explain it in basic terms so that if you decide to try viewing it, you won't be in the dark.

This TV show takes place in England, right at the end of World War I. The main story is focused on a well to do family, called The Granthams, who live in a massive castle which is called Downton. They reside upstairs in the main part of the house, along with their servants who live in the lower part of the house. The show Downton Abbey is a second coming of the original series with the same basic story, called "Upstairs Downstairs".

The leader of the main family is known as The Earl of Grantham, Robert Crawley. I don't quite understand what an Earl is, or any of the other nicknames that the characters in the house have, but I can assume it has to do with some sort of British wealthy classes. I simply know that none of my poor friends are referred to as an Earl or Lord.

The main members of the family are the father, Robert, his wife Cora and their 3 lovely daughters. There is another family member central to the story named Matthew, that comes into the story after a few episodes.

Also, you can't forget the servants who live downstairs. They are also a part of the main story and also have their own story lines in the show as well. Just like the people who live upstairs, the servants also have a lot of wacky nicknames that they are called.

In addition to butlers and footmen, you will hear the term valets and maids quite a lot. One thing that I observed is that keeping track of all of the characters is a bit tough at first. But after you get going and watch a few episodes it gets much easier to keep track.

Another detail that you will notice is the dialect that they use. It is a little bit hard to understand at first you'll notice. You have to contend with thick UK accents which is tough enough, but also you must figure out the phrases they use as well. Just like getting used to the characters though, you will soon get used to this as well.

Downton Abbey truly is a great television show with many wonderful stories going on within it. If you have the time, I do have to recommend that you check it out as soon as you can. You may just find that you are addicted to this great show, and you will hate missing it each week.

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