Friday, March 8, 2013

Your Altitude Relies on Your Attitude

By Hal Neff

"Your attitude, not your aptitude, can determine your altitude" - Zig Ziglar. It is not exactly how brilliant you are in life that will establish your achievements. There are lots of intelligent people who aren't successful in life. However ,But if you would like to reach new levels of success in life, you may be forced to look at your attitude first. It is really the number one factor for doing well in life. Just how high you decide to go in life is going to be determined mostly by your attitude.

This is a difficult truism for many people to take since our modern society is generally one of blamers. People in our society want to blame the environment, their own families, employers, governments and everyone but themselves for where they are in life. Yet the power to change that is completely within the power of every single person.

In life, it is only a positive approach that can help you move forward while staying in a pessimistic mindset can keep you bound and immobile. Possessing a positive mindset will mean that you are excited about life and what it gives. This means that even if things do not go your way, you will find good in the circumstance.

For many individuals a lack of money could be a massive problem. If that's the case, then you must evaluate your thinking and relationship to money. How do you view it or the absence of it? How do you view the people around you who have money? Do you really see yourself resenting that truth that they have money and you do not?

That's called a belief system and it works in your subconscious mind stopping you from reaching what you really want in life. Many people rationalize this belief system and hold on to it, thereby perpetuating the external reality and keeping them from the stuff that they want. Yes, it's much easier to remain angered by others who got what you don't, yet that resentment belief system will never change your situation.

The actual starting point to getting a new altitude in your life would be to start to change your attitude towards that circumstances in your life that you do not like. Begin to view them as opportunities to change. Viewing something as an opportunity will trigger that increasing positive mindset. Nobody is negative about opportunity as that's something positive for many people. So begin to view the complicated things in your life as opportunities for something great to happen to you.

Start today and begin focusing on changing your attitudes in life. By viewing situations as positive opportunities you can work in harmony with the universe to start to see positive change in your life. Make the decision today that you'll not be a blamer but that you'll take personal responsibility in your life so to start to impact the changes necessary that will help you gain new altitude in life. Yes, your altitude is determined by your attitude.

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