Sunday, June 16, 2013

Do You Know These Strategies and Techniques for Trout Fishing?

By Carry Chamorro

If you want to catch the trout you'll talk about for years, then you have to arm yourself with knowledge and proper gear and tackle. By the time you've learned all you need to know, your family and friends will consider you an expert at trout fishing. Trout are intelligent and special in many ways. They're also shrewd and don't fall for just anyone's maneuvers.

Check out the following tips when you are trout fishing in clear water. The tackle you use will be determined by the size of fish you hope to catch, so make sure you have a good idea of what's lurking in the water in which you will be fishing. You'll also need to match tackle to the water type and condition.

If you're fishing in a river or smaller stream, you should pay attention to where you are. It only makes some sense that if the water is moving, then you might want to watch it coming toward you. The reason is very simple, they're just waiting for a meal to come floating right at them. Take advantage of this behavior by simply giving enough slack so it be carried by the natural water movement. If you're new to trout fishing, then you'll have to just do this and get the hang of it. There's a lot more to successful fishing, including trout fishing, then the normal things you read about.

If you really want to snag the best brown trout where you live, or anywhere, think about going after them after sundown. And it really just depends on the recent and current weather conditions. Sometimes trout won't feel safe feeding during the day, so will wait until after sundown to feed. If the nighttime temperature falls into the lower 70 degree range, your success factor is even better. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you want to catch bigger fish, you must use larger minnows as your bait. If the oxygen level of the water surges, the fish will begin a massive feeding If you have started using bigger minnows as your bait, this is the conditions where you could have great results.

There are several things that can have an effect on the water level depending on the body of water. The water levels in rivers and streams will be higher, especially if the area has had a hard rain. For a range of reasons, this is a perfect time to go fishing for trout. To start with, the amount of oxygen in the water will be higher, which causes a higher amount of activity among the fish. The higher water level will offer greater protection from natural predators. Trout will feel more protected once water levels have risen higher than normal, so they will become more energetic. These are just a handful of suggestions that several trout anglers might not be knowledgeable of. However now you do and you can make the most of them and nab more of the elusive trout.

The hooks you use are another area where you can get better results. Here's the secret. For many years, successful fishermen have used gang hooks with live worms. There are various other tactics you can employ successfully with a gang hook rig. Try using more than one gang hook, all with live bait. Once your rig or rigs are baited, let them float with the current. The trout will go crazy. If you don't have a current - for example in a lake - gang hook rigs can still be used with success. There is a floating bait made specifically for fishing for trout using gang hooks. You would need to change over to it. Your outcome will be much better if you've taken the time to check the fishing conditions and make sure that your tackle and gear are matched. If you fail to do that, then you'll only be fighting yourself because you've committed a mental mistake. Knowing the "tools of your trade" when it comes to trout fishing will make your fishing trips memorable and rewarding.

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