Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Home Defense During Riots, Looting And Civil Unrest

By Bessie D. Burton

Most people think they will always be safe and never have to worry about riots, looting or civil unrest. However, most people also figured that the US would always be solvent, as opposed to becoming the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. With the greatest number of people ever now receiving government assistance, what will happen when the government can no longer cut those checks.Equally as bad, what will happen when the checks people receive lose their purchasing power due to hyperinflation? We are living in times unlike any other in history, where generations of Americans have grown up totally financially dependent upon the government, and the government is broke. History has taught us that when people lose hope, they take to the streets, and desperate people do desperate things.
[Best Home Defence]

I instantly replied a Shotgun is your best defense and my little wife launched into a ten minute dissertation as to why that was not her weapon of choice. Once she ended her little tirade I asked her if I could just state my case. I knew I didn't have much time so I said; "Honey" that always helps. I explained the Shotgun I am talking about is small only 26 inches long and it doesn't weigh much and the stellar point about this machine is you don't need bullets. She worries because of the children in the house and those who visit.

I continued a Shotgun is a versatile little gun and has been around in one form or another since guns were invented and since we still use them today it speaks volumes for their consistency. They can fire dangerous loads sure, but they can also shoot out bean bags or simply blanks. The point I was trying to make was nearly all men especially the bad guys know what a Shotgun is and the sight of the weapon can make a big mean nasty man turn to mush and when you charge the gun or put a bullet in the chamber to shoot it. The Shotgun has a distinct sound kind of a loud click slam whack sound. When you hear it you know it and the sound will fill a man with fear.

The most popular non or less than lethal self defense products are pepper sprays and stun guns.Within those categories there are multiple types of products. For example, there are pepper sprays disguised as lipsticks or pens. Stun guns have an even greater variety, from one that looks like a cell phone to telescopic baton stun guns. These also have varying degrees of voltages.It can all be very confusing to someone who is looking for something to protect themselves with, but has no clue where to start.The first question to ask is where you feel the greatest need for protection. Is it in mall parking lots? At your job? Or home? Do you have someone in particular you are fearful of, like an ex-boyfriend or a problematic neighbor? These will all be factors in deciding what self defense product is most effective.

A More Fiendish Deterrent,While you are waiting for your roses to grow, or if there is an emergency before you have time to plant them, boards like 2 x 4's with nails sticking up will do the same thing. They can be either fastened to the window sill to let those approaching know what they are in for, or they can be placed on the ground under the windows with a half-inch of dirt concealing them, so that looters will discover them the hard way.

In another instance, I had a gentleman who's primary concern was dogs. He and his wife walked in the early mornings and lately he had noticed some stray dogs around. I showed him a canine repellant spray and a stun baton. He got one of each.Like anything, self defense has a lot to do with your personal comfort zone. You may be empowered with a flashlight stun gun on your belt holster.But if the sound of a stun gun sparking startles you and causes you to jump back rather than towards your assailant, then it would be rendered ineffective.

Self defense is a growing problem in an ever more violent world. The majority of women, in fact, know their attackers. This puts them at an even greater disadvantage because they may not suspect that trouble is brewing. For them, women's self defense products can be lifesaving. The key is in finding the best choices in self defense items.There are a variety of pepper sprays for use as self defense weapons. Some of them are even better than the rest in that they are easily disguised. Some may have pepper sprays contained in a lipstick tube-shaped device. Other pepper sprays come in the form of rings and other jewelry. These types of self defense items make it easy to surprise an attacker.

Alarms may also be used as women's self defense weapons. When an attacker hears a loud, shrill noise, he is more likely to back away and leave the scene. Personal alarms are also often disguised. Sometimes they take the shape of flashlights, and may also contain pepper sprays. Other personal alarms are small and sleek, but have a flashlight included in their design for women's self defense. There are also personal alarms that are shaped like key chains or can be attached to key chains.In many cases, the best self defense items women can use are stun guns. There is a large variety to choose. Many of the self defense products are small and easily disguised. One type of stun guns used for women's self defense is made in the shape of cell phones. They carry charges of as high as 950,000 volts. The best of these stun guns have disabling pins so that they will be useless to the attacker if he grabs it away from the woman.

Dummy security cameras or fake security cameras are a great way to improve your home defense for very little money. They're very real looking with blinking red lights, cabling and housing for the camera. Not many people can tell the real thing from the fake.Another tip that he said made him choose another house was a house that was lit up. Great ways to do that is to use motion activated spotlights on the outside and lights that are on timers on the inside. Light-sensitive timers will turn lights off in daylight and turn them on in darkness. They are great home defense tools for homeowners who work at night, for example.

Since women often know their attackers, it is not unreasonable to consider that there might be times that women's self defense products might be needed at home. While there are many uses for hidden spy cameras, women's self defense is certainly one of them. For example, if a stalker is entering a woman's home, the hidden spy camera can record the activity when she is gone. There are cameras that will record only when there are changes in the room, or others that will record at all times through a home computer.Women's self defense is much more reliable if self defense weapons are available. Getting the best ones depends on knowing the market and choosing wisely. It is important for women to know their own habits and preferences before buying women's self defense products.

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