Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How To Overcome Bridge Phobia

By Nathaniel L. Ferguson

Gephyrophobia, also known as bridge phobia, is an unreasoning fear or dread of crossing bridges. There are several reasons for this phobia to exist. In many cases, this is a part of a larger group of phobias, such acrophobia, fear of heights, or a fear of the water. In other cases, this phobia stands alone.Bridge phobia and most other phobias, often develop following a traumatic experience. For example, it was feared that a great number of cases of bridge phobia would be diagnosed following the collapse of the interstate overpasses in San Francisco a few years ago. Whenever people approach the object of their phobias, they begin to experience feelings of anxiety, sometimes leading to a full blown panic attack.
[Phobia Treatment]

The most commonly used phobia treatment is the behavioral treatment. The main focus of this type of treatment is to expose people to their fears in hopes that it will extinguish their anxiety, and ultimately, OCD. There are three basic components for this treatment, namely systematic desensitization, modeling and flooding. Systematic desensitization involves the client making a list of the situations or objects they fear, ranked from the most to least feared. During this method, the therapist teaches relaxation techniques, and then proceeds to exposing the client from least feared to the most feared. Results are gradual for this method, and will end only when the client can face his or her fears without overwhelming anxiety, and the distressing compulsions are gone.

Some bridges are known to be built so high or so open that they trigger a panic attack in many of the people who attempt to drive or walk across them. Many of these bridges have become aware of the problem, at least the people who own the bridges, and offer a fee based service whereby someone will drive your car across the bridge for you.

Actually it's this last option that is one of the more common fears about dogs. They can get just too enthusiastic in their greeting. Bounding up fast towards you and then leaping up to reinforce their enthusiasm. Maybe even bowling you over when they haven't slowed down quite enough in those last couple of paces. This can be a daunting experience even for those people who aren't actually afraid of dogs on a general basis.If exposure treatment sounds a bit too over the top for you, there are other methods available.Another common way to deal with dog phobia is to use hypnosis. This can be a face-to-face session with a hypnotist in your locality or it can be as simple as playing a pre-recorded MP3 to yourself.Whichever method you choose, the general process is the same.

The hypnosis session will get you to relax, probably closing your eyes in the process. It will then proceed to help you examine how you deal with the idea of dogs in general and turn round these ideas so that you begin to realize that the majority of dogs are actually really keen on being friends with you and making sure that you're happy, relaxed and also protected by your new canine friend. They can turn on their menacing side if they want to but once a dog is on your side, you'll only see that side of their nature if another person hasn't got your best interests at heart.

Extremely shy individuals only feel at ease when family members and very close friends are around. However, situations where the people are unfamiliar or if they have to communicate with a group of new individuals are very difficult for them to deal with. Social phobia may get in the way of any individual's life that's why it should be properly dealt with.

Getting a smile makeover in Essex has become popular over the years, but only a few are excited about getting dental implants or undergoing any cosmetic dentistry procedure in Essex. Dental phobia strikes anyone, regardless of age, sex, race, and background. Nobody would be exactly thrilled at the idea of having a cosmetic dentist or orthodontist poke needles, dental drills or other tools into your mouth for dental implants or other procedures to give you a smile makeover.

Because dental phobia, other people would be willing to bear the excruciating pain rather than visiting a dentist, but do you know that leaving a toothache unattended can lead to problems that are more serious? Bearing the pain and waiting until it is too late may lead to have your tooth extracted, and you will have another set of problems to face.Your teeth play a very important role in your overall appearance and self-esteem. If you have missing, chipped, or broken teeth, or if they are discolored or yellowed, you will refrain from smiling and socializing with other people and shun away from invitations instead of looking forward to them.

You may be wondering what kind of treatment is available for commitment phobia. First the person has to want the help and be willing to work with a therapist.The therapist or counselor needs the determine whether or not the person truly is a commitment phobic or if there is some other personality disorder present. If it is determined that the person truly has a commitment phobia, then the therapist and her client need to work on uncovering what triggered the problem.

Word of mouth is still the most reliable form of recommendation.An orthodontist like those in Brentwood or Hornchurch, or professionals in the dental practice in Brentwood can now perform modern pain-free cosmetic dentistry procedures in Essex to help patients feel at ease. Dental fear varies on different levels. Some patients would be slightly nervous while others suffer from severe phobia. Learn to open up to your cosmetic dentist. Talk to your dentist and express your fears. If you will not conquer your dental phobia, you will never get that smile makeover in Essex that you only dream of.

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