Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reasons To Be Grateful From Wallace Wattles' Science Of Getting Rich

By Annelise van Den Born

Looking for the key to the Law of Attraction and obtaining everything you could possibly want in life? In his classic book, The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles provided a simple and powerful answer: be grateful for your blessings.Gratitude and the Law of Attraction.After a hundred years, Wattles' "Science Book" has benefitted the lives of a tremendous number of men and women. Behaving and thinking in his "Certain Way," Wattles guaranteed, will grant you the riches you desire.
[11 Forgotten Laws]

The Original Substance is similar to the energy vibrations that are referred to in the movie "The Secret". It is the very matter of the universe itself.Wattles argues quite persuasively that whatever we can think of, we can create. That's actually pretty much self evident.

The more gratefully you fix your attention on the Infinite when good things come your way, the more wonderful things you will attract, and the more quickly they will appear. To put it simply, thankfulness sets the Law of Attraction into play on your behalf! Being grateful wards off bad thinking.Do you view your life in a bad light? Or maybe you're feeling sad at the moment? Gratitude replaces these kind of thoughts. Try it this minute. Come up with a simple thing you can be grateful for and notice what happens.

That's probably caused by your thoughts as well.Take the time to re-focus your thoughts. Dismiss the negative ones. Or at the very least, diminish their power.Whether you consciously use the power of thought discussed in Science of Getting Rich, it will still be affecting you. Think about it!I can't believe the movie "The Secret" has created such a storm.

Zig Ziglar said that you will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. This is an attitude born from the perspective of the creative mind. And it represents a theme that is universal amongst all of the masters. The path to fulfilling your purpose and to living your dream is through the service you provide to others.

When you are operating from the perspective of the creative mind, you become intent on leaving the impression of increase in everything you do. This translates into doing each task you undertake to the best of your ability... for whomever you may be doing it. You place your focus on providing the fullest service possible for others. In turn, you make the world a better place and support the Universe's inherent bias towards growth and expansion.

To cut a long story short that's basically what The Science of Getting Rich is about. It's about trusting that the pictures you create for yourself are what's forming your life. Your pictures are the system that keeps your life going the way it is going. As Wallace Wattles pens in the Science of Getting Rich. "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in it's original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In February, The world-renown Teachers from The Secret, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith have collaborated to create an amazing new wealth building program called "The Science of Getting Rich".Since the program's release, I have shared it with over a hundred friends, clients, and students. Whether your looking to attract money, happiness, or love into your life, these free classes can get you started in the right direction. The Secret movie and The Science of Getting Rich program are changing lives around the world! If you haven't seen the movie yet, you really should.

So you think ignoring the news is putting your head in the sand? But really what good does it do you to know about all the bad stuff going on out there? I'd rather be rich and happy than depressed and poor. Does that make you cringe? Truth is I don't care.I used to be all worried about over fishing, deforestation and the whole works. And really I love this world, and want to see fish swimming in the sea. Incredible how many whales I see when I'm sitting on the terrace of my house overlooking the sea. And if you really want to save the world give money to organizations that educate people about the planet. I love animals so I don't eat them. You can always make choices that represent what you care about.

Perhaps another thing that is not quite clear in the movie "The Secret" is that there is plenty of talk about visualising the thing you want. This is true and should be done. But you also need to put emotion into the thought. The emotion is the fuel for the thought. Last but not least you need to take action. Wallace Wattles says "This is the crucial point in the Science Of Getting Rich - right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. There are very many people who consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes."Yes the thought is the first important thing, but feeling and taking action are also required. By taking action you're proving to the universe that you believe in your picture. But don't be surprised if the thing you want shows up in a way you weren't expecting.

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