Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Road To Realization Of Self Realization Actualization

By Neva Grant

Realization of self realization actualization situation is process that takes time to reach. It involves full identification of true self and implementation of various aspects towards the achievement of this true personality using the available resources such as time and good planning. This time can be long or short depending on the determination and commitment this individual puts in place towards this process.

Life is full of mysteries and unexpected events. This makes all the people in the world to at least have a goal concerning something they want to do before death catches up. Having the idea and implementing it are two different things although the later precedes the former in every aspect. Having the idea is the foundation and it requires the person to have the zeal of incorporating the two successfully.

What is important to do is for the person to reflect on the life he or she is living. This is very crucial since some people reach such a stage unaware. They end up doing this which they do not enjoy at all. A good example is the career they are either studying for at the moment or the job itself. It is relevant for this person to determine what he or she can do best.

Determination of strengths and weaknesses go hand in hand. Establishment of their weakness is for maturity purposes and finding out better ways of either avoiding or minimizing them. As for the strengths, these are the ones which make the difference thus; knowing them will make the person to put together good use for their benefits.

Others give up quite easily since what they expected does not come overnight. This is a bad attitude towards this journey of self discovery. Not all things happen overnight as expected. Some take a very long period of time, even years for instance. Here, this individual needs to keep on waiting. In case it becomes extreme, taking a vacation to clear up the mind is the recommended remedy.

Once discovery of true self and what life has in store has been successful, since it is a process and not an instance, goal setting comes into play at this stage. This is a period where dreaming has to be done away with and a build up on what has been thought over for this entire period put into perspective for beneficial gains.

Even with the above mentioned condition, some still can not get over the fantasizing aspect. Not being able to get over this could be the biggest down fall of whatever has been worked hard upon. To ease this trouble, carrying out research and studies on accomplishment of all the set goals assist greatly.

With all these in place, self realization actualization becomes a reality for all. Since it is a process, it is here where the journey begins. The important thing is to note the painful moments and work on the toughness aspect throughout the lifetime.

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