Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Are The Best Vitamins For Anxiety?

By Allen S. Fox

Anxiety for prolonged duration of time can cause serious damage to the body as it decreases oxygen levels greatly which in turn reduce efficiency of the organs. If you want effective solution for your anxiety, you should start consuming vitamins instead of taking prescription medicines.B-COMPLEX are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency of specific B vitamins like B-12, B-9, and B6 can cause nervous imbalance and lead to anxiety. Serotonin is a type of neurotransmitters and it can be manufactured with the help of B-complex. B vitamins also give a calming effect. If they are taken in optimum proportion in the diet, they can greatly help to reduce anxiety levels in a couple of weeks. You should consume enough B complex in your diet to meet the daily recommendations of your body.
[Vitamins For Anxiety]

There are actually a number of different types of anxiety or panic disorders, but they are all linked by the underlying symptom of an irrational fear or anxiety. People with anxiety disorders worry about things that shouldn't cause excessive worry. Sometimes, this worry gets so great that it cause intense and debilitating fear. Many anxiety disorder sufferers can't go to work, attend social events, or even be seen in public because of their anxiety.

Vitamin B12 is water soluble, it ensures proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, deficiency of vitamin B12 can have adverse effects on the brain and the nervous system that can result in acute anxiety. This is the reason why foods rich in vitamin B12 are regarded as natural cures for anxiety. Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine. As it is an essential for the mind to regulate stress, its deficiency can ultimately result in depression, anxiety and stress. Intake of Vitamin B1 supplements daily can help in bringing down anxiety levels drastically. Fish like salmon and vegetables like asparagus are natural foods rich in vitamin B1 and should be included in the daily diet to combat anxiety.

Vitamin D: When talking about vitamins for anxiety, vitamin D can definitely not be ignored. It is essential to reduce high stress levels. People who face Vitamin D deficiency usually face emotional issues like anxiety, depression and stress. Including this supplement in your diet will show positive effects in reducing anxiety.VITAMIN C: This is an essential vitamin for the proper functioning of the brain and the adrenal glands. If taken in excess it has a tranquilizing effect which can help to release anxiety. It also acts as an effective anti-oxidant that combats free radicals-damaging agents that reside in the body due to pollutants like cigarette smoke and digestion. Basically, this compound helps in the proper functioning of adrenal glands which help you cope with the anxiety.

Vitamin E: Although its effect on stress is still to be discovered completely, it is said that it is an effective anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate stress levels greatly.It is normal for us to feel anxious. Feelings of worry, fear, dread, and uneasiness are normal reactions to certain stress's. In fact, anxiety can even help you cope with difficult situations. However, when anxiety becomes too much, even at the absence of stress's, it may already be a disorder which could affect your normal life.

Vitamin E is thought to help act as an oxidant for our brain helping the brain to take in oxygen and reducing the damage done to the brain cells by free radicals in the environment that can happen we are stressed.There are also certain minerals that you should consider taking supplements for: A deficiency in magnesium has long been related to anxiety symptoms such as depression, irritability, fear, confusion and restlessness and insomnia.Amino acids help the body to produce neurotransmitters which are key to a healthy nervous system.

Vitamins from the B group are essential in the functions of the nervous system. The nervous system is the one which controls your response to stress. Since anxiety disorders are pretty much caused by stressors, B-vitamins are needed in its treatment. There are number of vitamins under the B-group and these include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6). Although there are other forms of B-vitamins, these four are the most effective in reducing anxiety.

We all admit that anxiety attacks are very hard to treat if we do not know the factors surrounding it. Many say that stress is one of its primary cause that is why most treatments are bent on addressing stress as well.However, in this article we will deal with one anxiety treatment that has been overlooked by many. Supplementing with vitamins and minerals is helpful in dealing with anxiety attacks.There are several vitamins and minerals which are effective in curbing the irritating effects of anxiety and they are the following:

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is included in the vitamins for anxiety because it promotes healthy functions of your nervous system and immune system-the two most affected body systems during anxiety attacks. It helps your body cope with prolonged stress.Vitamins B12, B9, and B5 can also help your body fight stress. These vitamins are important in energy production and maintaining normal lactate levels. Vitamins for the groups are the vitamins for anxiety because they do not only maintain a healthy nervous system; they also ward off behavioral and physical symptoms of anxiety disorders.Vitamin C is another important vitamin for anxiety. Vitamin C is mostly used to ward off diseases caused by bacteria and viruses; however, its ability to strengthen the immune system also helps your body's stress response system in doing its job properly. For this reason, vitamin C is needed for anxiety treatment.

Aside from the vitamins for anxiety, there are also herbal plants which could help alleviate anxiety disorders. Rhodiola rosea, for one, is known to relieve tension, nervousness, and anxiety. St. John's Wort has been shown to promote normal levels f neurotransmitters. Valerian root, on the other hand, can promote relaxation and can help relieve feelings of anxiety and stress. Winter cherry and passion flower, meanwhile, are known to alleviate irritability, nervousness, tension, agitation, and panic attacks.In addition to vitamins and herbs, there are also other nutrients which are known to relieve anxiety. 5-HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a nutrient derived from plants. It is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter which regulates your mood. SAM-e or S-Adenosylmethionine, meanwhile, is physiological agent which promotes healthy and normal emotional functions. This is usually taken as a supplement.

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