Friday, July 5, 2013

Wrestling & Drawing The Parallels To Obstacle Event Racing

By Rob Sutter

An obstacle event is highly competitive and not many people are going to deny this. Simply put, it's the kind of test that only those with enough nerve are going to make the most out of. This is interesting, to me, especially after watching wrestling - as I usually do - only a few nights ago. It made me wonder if there were particular elements of the race in question which can then be correlated to certain competitors in the ring. To say the least, I found results.

An obstacle event is going to house a number of qualities but I think that not mentioning intensity would be wrong. It's imperative if you want to make the most out of competitions along the lines of Spartan Race. When talking about wrestlers who personify this the best, I think that it's worth making note of Daniel Bryan. You will see this as soon as he gets started in the ring, moving fast and hitting hard with ferocity like only he has been able to do.

One of the interesting aspects about this kind of event is that, in many cases, it is done as part of a team. Whether wrestlers like it or not, they may find themselves as part of a team as well. When you take this into consideration, I believe that such stars as Christian and Kofi Kingston make the cut. Both of them have tremendous experience working with others and, considering how long they've been in WWE, something tells me that they can work well while dispensing their knowledge onto upstarts.

I think that athleticism, while varying in terms of importance, should be though about as well. It's clear that this is an element which can carry from one star to the next but what about DolphZiggler? All you have to do is see just how well he sells each maneuver to see how real he wants matters to look. He treats each move with intensity and I think that his level of showmanship is something that has to be placed in high regard.

I think that an obstacle event - as well as its many levels - deserves to be talked about, especially for those who may not know much about the endeavor. In terms of wrestling, doesn't it seem like separate features should be talked about more than others? It seems that way, especially when those who work in the ring are going to be quite varied. Keep in mind, however, that these are just a couple of qualities and that there are others which can come down the pipeline.

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