Tuesday, October 8, 2013

11 Forgotten Laws Review - Turbo Charge Your Ability To Manifest Your Desires

By Victoria W. Bergman

Do you want to have the ability to attract into your life all the money and success that you desire? Do you want to live a happy and meaningful life? You most likely touched the tip of this iceberg with The Law Of Attraction, in its bestselling book and movie, The Secret. Essentially, to get whatever you want in this world - it's as simple as asking for it and gratefully receiving it. Is it that straightforward? Unfortunately, many of us have been disappointed.
[The 11 Forgotten Laws]

There is one course however known as the 11 Forgotten Laws which has been on the market for a number of years.The 11 Forgotten laws goes above and beyond the basic principles associated with the law of attraction. It contains ten additional laws which experts claim will deliver much better and faster results when applied alongside the law of attraction.

Napoleon Hill suggests that we have a greater control than most people perceive over our lives - that we can influence our subconscious minds through the dominating thoughts of our conscious mind, and it is the thoughts which we permit to remain in the conscious mind which we have control over. It is a fascinating chapter and well worth studying if you are at all interested in self improvement of any kind whether it be wealth creation or anything else.

Bob Proctor has also thrown in many bonuses including audio and video seminars, eBooks and guided meditations as part of the program.The Pros.The program may be listened to anywhere and anytime, as it may be downloaded and burned onto a portable CD or listened to straight from the computer. This means you can take this program anywhere and hear it on the go if you wish. Or you can also learn the lessons in the comfort of your home if that's your preference.

People from all corners of the globe have travelled far and wide to see Bob speak at seminars and live events to learn from him. So the fact that Bob has poured in years of research and knowledge into one easy to manage course is hugely beneficial.Secondly the course has been made available in digital format. This means there are no extortionate fees to have a physical product made and delivered to your door. All the training within the course is hosted online meaning you can either stream the content live from the members area or even download the modules individually to your computer.Being able to download the course as well is another appealing factor as you can consume the training from your computer when you aren't connected to the internet.This also means you can take the audio recordings and load them into your portable music players such as ipod's and mp3's and listen to the training whilst away from your computer.

Months went by again, and still I wasn't able to grow my business and generate the income I wanted. I was able to attract small things however, like thinking of a friend only to have the phone ring moments later, or think of a song and then hear it on the radio a few hours later but I still wasn't manifesting riches like I had hoped.I was frustrated that sometimes I could get it to work, but other times I couldn't. What was the trick or "SECRET" lol to this manifesting thing? Then I came across a product by Bob Proctor called the 11 Forgotten Laws I learned that the movie "The Secret" like many Hollywood movies left out a lot of stuff so they could just give the "basics" and a quick idea of what the Law of Attraction was. Bob explains that there are actually 11 Forgotten Laws and until you can master all of them the Law of Attraction won't work to its full.

When we have learnt how to apply these 11 Forgotten Laws, we will be ahead of the crowd in every aspect of our life - finances, career, relationships. We will know how to handle challenges and achieve our dreams. We can break through our mental limitations that have been hindering us in the past. We tap into our hidden potentials that are always there, waiting to surface.However, the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor program is not a magic pill. Its teachings will only work for those who are willing to put in their time, effort and commitment. The program provides the tools but you still have to take the required actions and make the changes before anything happens.

Since The Secret was revealed, people became eager in seeking the truth behind the Law of Attraction. This law has been a driving force for people who are experiencing difficulties in life to achieve success. What most people forget or don't realize when trying to work with the Law of Attraction is that it is more than just mere wishing. It needs the right attitude, discipline, and action for it to work.The 11 Forgotten Laws is part of the Working With The Law program. Created by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey, it is a home study program that discusses the 11 laws of the universe and how to manifest them to your advantage.

97 dollars may seem expensive but like I said it is a comprehensive course and unlike any other it gives great detail of each law and how to apply them... other products I have purchased that were cheaper did not give as much detail or contained information I already knew... The 11 Forgotten Laws is like no other product out there and once you apply The 11 Forgotten Laws in your life the money will come back to you two-fold. Opportunities will appear and you will attract who and what you need for success. Bob Proctor is a true follower and believer of the Law of Attraction and the 11 subsequent laws. He has had true success and many of his students have had true success as well. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself and check out The 11 Forgotten Laws now with this 5 dollar trial offer.

Those who are able to do so already have a primary knowledge of these 11 forgotten laws, whereas the others do not understand them. Only by understanding the 11 laws (law of increase, non resistance, sacrifice, forgiveness, success, obedience, supply, thinking, receiving, attraction and compensation) can you fully utilize and experience the effects of the Law of Attraction.The 11 Forgotten Laws Course Review.This is the course that has really helped me succeed with the concepts in The Secret. Everyone who wants to use the Law of Attraction needs to see this or I am convinced that it will not be able to work for them.

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