Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Law Of Supply And The 11 Forgotten Laws

By Zeynel Bakema

The 11 Forgotten Laws is a program created by Bob Proctor. Mr. Proctor began his career at the Chicago based firm of Nightengale-Conant where he gained the confidence to begin his own company specializing in seminars and motivational speaking. He created a body of work based on the Law of Attraction that he formatted into a multi-volume program, The 11 Forgotten Laws.
[11 Forgotten Laws]

Now, the landing page seemed a little slick, and I usually consider myself a savvy consumer. But I read a few reviews and liked the 90 day money back guarantee so I went ahead and purchased it. And what I found was life changing.I sat and listened to the audios for six hours straight. I was rapped in the information-information that seemed to be such common sense yet no one had ever taught me. What I found is that the Law of Attraction is just the tip of the ice berg. There are a lot of other factors that contribute to manifesting your dreams.

Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey deliver a stellar program that, if utilized, will change your perceptions and help you begin to alter the way you think about life.After a few days, thing my life began to change as I began to change. I could see my thinking go from intensely negative to extremely positive. It was a whole new world and a whole new life I had never expected or experienced before. Most of my life I had been encapsulated in fear, doubt, and insecurity. Suddenly, I was doing things I had put off, starting a new business, revitalizing relationships.

Does it really present a way to achieve financial prosperity? Real income is derived from being able to follow a specific process that will continually bring in money. The 11 Forgotten Laws can increase your motivation to make money but it does not provide you with the ability (in this case the process) to actually do it. If you hope to make income from the II Forgotten Laws, I advise against it as it may be a waste of your time.

There are other systematic, and proven, ways to make money online from your own home.The Secret revealed the key to greater success in life which was hidden for many years ago - The Law of Attraction. Expert in the field of Law of Attraction is Mary Morrissey. She is an author, a consultant, and a motivational speaker talking about how to maximize the power of the human potential. Currently, she is the president of an international company called LifeSOULutions providing various programs and methods to help people reach their dreams.Education-wise, Mary Morrissey has an outstanding credentials having a Bachelor's Degree in Education, Master's Degree in Counseling, and an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters. With all the degrees and achievements in her life, she states that the greatest educators in her life are from her very own experiences of success and failures.

Jack Canfield has this to say about the Law of Attraction: "Decide what you want and believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it is possible for you. And then close your eyes everyday for several minutes and visualize having what you already want, then feeling the feeling of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you are grateful for already and really enjoy it. Go into your day and release it to the universe and trust that the universe would figure out how to manifest it".Why Many People Fail to Use the Law of Attraction Successfully.The fact is that very few people who know about this law become successful with it. This is because a person needs to have a good understanding of 11 other less-talked-about laws before the law of attraction can make sense to him or her.

The 11 Forgotten Laws is a 12 part course which plays out as a conversation between Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. As the questions are answered, the audience is given a greater understanding of what these laws are, how they apply in our lives, and how to use them effectively. The central tenet of their teachings revolves around the law of cause and effect.

They say there are laws in the universe which affect us by way of our own decisions, and how knowing these laws will allow us to finally control their outcome; no matter how big or small.The lessons are supported by an online forum where viewers can share their questions and experiences with the program. As spiritual seekers are often big into giving without expecting anything in return (which is one of the laws), these forums act as a great supplementary source for the lessons. Each session also comes with a list of questions that helps students better understand and internalize the laws.

"The 11 Forgotten Laws" isn't an audio book, it's a conversation between Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey. They talk about, and explain the 11 laws. The interaction between them is satisfying, and makes for enjoyable listening.Of course, what you really want to know is -- does this material work? Yes, it does. I've been working with this audio series for several weeks, and I'm only up to the Law of Receiving, which is halfway through the series. I find myself listening to sections of the program several times. Although the material is easy to understand, putting it to work in your own life is what's essential.

At the time I first heard this series I had already devoured just about every course on the law of attraction available; from scientific journals proving its existence, to books that shared how people's lives have changed by using it. Despite my deep understanding and interest in the law, this course still gave me plenty of great material to further accelerate my abilities. I had several "AH HA!" moments, and concepts I didn't quite understand before finally clicked into place. This course really does provide the missing elements to the law of attraction, and without doubt, it has helped me to become more powerful with my intentions. Most importantly however, it has helped me to be a much happier, positive, and purpose driven person.

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