Monday, July 8, 2013

The Law Of Success Book By Napoleon Hill

By Nancy J. Olson

School is definitely one of the very first places where you get to experience how the law of success works. After all, in order to succeed in school, you really do have to take certain actions and maintain a certain attitude. For those who are still in school or are planning to go back, here then are some tips on using the success law to your advantage:
[Person Success]

It worked because they applied the missing First Law, which is use high value information. The men he worked with would not settle for OK information, they expected complete and precise information to base their decisions on. If they were going to succeed, they knew they had to fully understand what they were dealing with and what they had to do to take advantage of it. Henry Ford knew his limitations and hired a team of experts to keep him informed.

If they had to develop new abilities, they learned exactly what they were and how to proceed. They became precise and thorough in every aspect of their lives. They could assess a person and situation instantly and respond appropriately. Think of Donald Trump. They developed an instinct for finding the information that could help them. Their information environment wasn't handed to them, they had to figure it out. The process of Intending-to-figure-it-out developed within them the Ability to find and use the information they needed to be successful.

Succeed in School through Extra Credit Making the law of success work for you requires gumption and foresight. You can't just go by the book and do everything that the teachers tell you to the letter. You also have to step above and beyond these requirements and prove your worth by doing extra credit assignments. It can be as simple as a three-page essay on your insights on a particular topic, to an all-out one-man exhibit on the said topic. Prove to your teachers that you have a passion for learning and for expressing what you've learned. They'll love you for it and reward you handsomely.

Do not become the victim of your attitude. Change is everywhere and you cannot block it but you can change its path for your own sake.How to predict future emotions and benefit from them as a driving force, depends on your mindset. The more optimistic you are, the less likely you are to be influenced by negative information about the future.Never underestimate the long-term impact of positive activities. Practice what you like to do especially when you are busy with dealing with change and no time for anything. Positive Activities will lower down your stress level and empower you to deal with change.

Asking for help from a supportive listener whether a friend or a professional can be useful to overcome negative feelings about change but keeping feelings inside can also be a choice. Laws of success are flexible about social support. Either way you can cope with change. You can choose to talk or resiliency.Writing down your worries is one of the laws of success. Explaining your emotions on a paper will ease your thoughts and clear out some space for success.Courage to face obstacles. You cannot predict what you will discover when you turn the obstacles. Be confident to challenge yourself to discover the opportunities that you can use to your advantage. Courage and self-confidence are essential laws of success.

The great men in Hill's book created magnetism in their lives, which attracted what they needed. These men, in essence, performed magic and totally transformed themselves.Information is the First Law of Success. Use impeccable information as your foundation.

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