Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Morality Issue About Psychic Seduction

By Charles Harris

The best psychic seduction books and online advice is not aimed at week kneed and feeble examples of manhood. There are pathetic young men who are too shy and impotent to think about attracting the notice of anyone but their mother. Such men might dream of psychic seduction but will probably lack the nerve to implement it unless they make fundamental changes in their approach.

The most seductive men do not think about how to attract women because they are usually surrounded by bevies of beautiful and admiring girls. The seductive aura of such men comes from the fact that they have their own agenda. They do not focus on getting girls but on other aims and purposes.

Real power comes from performance. The brilliant tennis player is not puffed up because he knows he will suffer defeat some day, but while he can defeat most competitors he has an aura that he female mind is attracted to like a bee to a honey pot. A rich boy who has inherited money is not a patch on one who is intent on building his own fortune. Women protect their species by responding to powerful men with their eyes on something high.

Independence may be irresistible but it is undeniable that most people need a partner of the opposite gender. Evolutionarily, human beings seem unable to decide whether they are for monogamy or polygamy but even the Chinese Emperor who had access to a country of beautiful concubines fell under the spell of one quite plain one who worked her way into his soul by seductive arts.

Reciprocated attention quickly becomes nonreciprocating love. Ironically, and sadly, this is the best way to seduce someone. Even female birds drive males mad by pretending to be unimpressed. By going about their business as though totally unaware of the desperate displays put on for their benefit girls and boys, hens and cocks, bulls and cows instinctively practice psychic seduction.

Human beings have managed to dominate the planet by working out intellectual solutions to things that do not come naturally. Many males may seduce the women around them quite naturally and without much thought. Others have to plan and plot to do what does not come naturally. That is where information and published advice on psychic seduction comes in useful.

Being human means being aware of consequences. A goat might ram every ewe that he can without thinking about the consequences. However, a philosopher once pointed out that human beings are because they think. A fundamental rule of morality is that people should be treated as ends in themselves and not as means to ends. Failure to live by this precept means moral problems with big consequences.

The best psychic seduction proceeds morally. Once a woman is passionate about him for reasons that she does not understand the seducer should set her free. He should tell her about his methods. If she persists in her passions he may relax in the knowledge that he really is very seductive. They may live happily ever after.

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